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Nic Salt – Everything You Wanted To Know But Were Afraid To Ask

What Is Nic SaltWhether you vape because you are trying to give up smoking or vaping because you like the sensation, nic-salt is a type of e-liquid you may have come across recently. Vaping is such a new phenomenon that there is a great deal of misinformation and scare stories surrounding any new product that comes on the market. So, what to believe?

What even is nic-salt?

Nicotine salt has come on the market as an alternative to freebase nicotine. Nic-Salt is a naturally forming type of nicotine found in leaf tobacco. Nic-salt is different from freebase nicotine in that the nicotine is bonded to other chemicals, which together form a compound (the salt).

Benzoic acid is often added to nic-salt to reduce its PH which makes it less harsh for the user. Nic-salt will also give you a more efficient nicotine hit compared to freebase nicotine, which is good news if you are trying to quit smoking as it means you end up vaping less.

Is it strong?

Nic salt is ‘stronger’ than freebase nicotine in the sense that when you vape it, the nicotine levels in your blood will be higher for a more extended period than if you were using freebase nicotine products. It is simply more efficient at delivering the nicotine to your bloodstream. The nicotine gets there faster (a similar speed to cigarettes), so you get an almost instant hit.

Freebase nicotine takes time to build up in your bloodstream, so your hit is more gradual. Not very helpful if you’re trying to wean yourself off cigarettes and need that hit NOW! So, if you’re trying to give up smoking, nic-salt could be the solution you are looking for. An immediate hit that lasts longer, thus reducing those dreaded cravings!

If you’re new to vaping and haven’t smoked cigarettes, you will probably find the hit from nic- salt a bit strong. It is perhaps best to start vaping with freebase nicotine products which give a more gradual hit.

Is it expensive?

There is no difference in price between freebase nicotine and nic-salt products. The price per millilitre of nicotine is generally the same, but because nic salt gives you a longer hit over the long run, it works out as better value as you will be using less liquid.

Will it help me quit smoking faster?

This is a tricky one! Many people start vaping to quit smoking and then continue vaping for quite some time afterwards. If you aim to quit smoking (cigarettes and vaping) entirely, using nic-salt when you vape may be a more effective way of quitting faster. However, as with quitting any habit, it is ultimately down to you!

Nic-salt provides a quicker, more efficient nicotine hit which helps deal with cravings and stops you from using your e-cigarette as much. Ideally, the result is that you can leave longer and longer gaps between puffs and eventually stop altogether.  Many ex-smokers swear by nic-salt as a way to quit smoking, so you haven’t got anything to lose from trying.

Is it safe?

Nicotine is a highly addictive and potentially dangerous substance, as many ex-smokers are all too aware. Health-wise it is better not to consume any nicotine product, so avoid any nicotine products if you are not already addicted. If you are already addicted to nicotine, then nic-salt is no more dangerous than smoking cigarettes or using freebase nicotine products.

Vaping is considered far less harmful than smoking as you are not exposed to the vast number of carcinogens and toxins present in a burning cigarette. As mentioned previously, vaping with nic-salt products could help wean you off smoking faster as it delivers a more immediate hit that lasts for longer, thus reducing cravings. You are also inhaling less smoke as you are vaping less.

Some people have expressed concern about the higher levels of nicotine in nic-salt and the side-effects that it could cause. The side effects of consuming high levels of nicotine are not pleasant; heart palpitations, nausea, vomiting and high blood pressure. However, it is physically impossible to consume toxic amounts of nicotine by vaping. You would have to consume a whopping two 30ml bottles of nic-salt e-liquid in two hours even to come close to consuming a harmful amount, which is nigh on impossible. You may feel dizzy and a bit nauseous if you inhale too much vapour in a short space of time, but you will not be inhaling toxic amounts of nicotine.

There has been some speculation about the safety of benzoic acid added to nic-salt products to aid absorption. Benzoic acid occurs naturally in some foods (plums, for instance) and is used as an additive in soft drinks and jam. You consume more benzoic acid drinking a can of soda.

Sub-Ohm or MTL vaping – which one does it suit?

Sub what?? If you are new to vaping, these terms will need some explaining. MTL vaping stands for ‘Mouth to Lung’ and is the method of vaping closest to smoking cigarettes as far as the effect on your body is concerned.

Sub-Ohm vaping is the form of vaping that creates giant clouds of smoke and lots of flavour. Sub-Ohm devices are different from MTL devices, so you need to make sure you are buying the right one for you when you begin vaping.

If you are vaping to give up smoking, then MTL vaping using nic-salt e-liquid is probably the most efficient way to proceed. If you are craving a nicotine hit, you will not be concerned with creating clouds of smoke; you simply want an efficient way of getting the nicotine to your bloodstream.

Is it addictive?

Nicotine is addictive full stop, so if you are not already addicted, then the best advice is don’t start at all! There have been some concerns that nic-salt products are more addictive than freebase nicotine due to the higher nicotine concentration. However, if you are vaping to quit smoking, you need to ensure that you get the same nicotine hit from vaping as you would have from smoking. Nic-salt is effective at providing this hit, and you may cut down faster as the hit lasts for longer, thus reducing your cravings.

What does it taste like?

Ultimate Salts Candy DropsWell, it doesn’t taste like salt, that’s for sure! Plenty of vapers agree that nic-salt tastes better than freebase nicotine. Until fairly recently, there was a limited variety of flavour available compared with the freebase variety, but this has changed. There are plenty of amazing flavours out there now and a very large portion of the bigger brands have now added a Salt range to their inventory. Another benefit is that nic-salt provides a smoother hit on the back of your throat, good news for regular vapers.

If you are trying to give up smoking or just want a product that gives you a more efficient hit when you vape, you can’t go far wrong with nic- salt. With more flavour varieties than ever and a smoother hit on your throat, it is easy to see why many vapers are becoming converts. 

If you’re unsure as to which flavour types you prefer you could always take a look at the Special Offers section “Any 3 Nic Salt E-liquids for £10” which allows you to try a few different flavours and not have to spend too much to get started.

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