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Why Consider Vaping to Quit Smoking?

With the English government stating in a Health matters: stopping smoking – what works? Report that 60% of smokers would like to stop smoking and 10% of these intend to do so within the next three months, we ask the question “Why consider vaping to quit smoking?

Is vaping good for quitting smoking?

Vaping is certainly a good way of quitting smoking, here is what the NHS Says:

“Using an e-cigarette is known as vaping. A major UK clinical trial published in 2019 found that, when combined with expert face-to-face support, people who used e-cigarettes to quit smoking were twice as likely to succeed as people who used other nicotine replacement products, such as patches or gum.

Apart from the obvious health benefits, Vaping helps smokers to quit smoking due to:

  • Enjoyment – vapers begin to love the flavours and tastes available, and these are seen as a viable alternative to smoking
  • Hope and psychological – smokers have seen others quit through vaping and it gives them hope that they will be able to achieve the same
  • Less mess – overall there is far less mess with vaping than smoking
  • Lower cost – once the initial cost of accessories (frequently £50 to £100) is paid vaping on an ongoing basis is 90% cheaper than smoking
  • Nicotine – the nicotine in cigarettes can still be provided through nic salts and shots
  • Touch – the touch of an e-cigarette or vaping pen gives comfort to smokers who are used to holding a cigarette

Why Consider Vaping To Quit Smoking

Vaping is a great way of finally kicking the smoking habit

Can I gradually quit smoking through the use of vaping?

It is possible to gradually cut down smoking and substitute it with a vaping alternative (usually supplemented by nicotine shots or nicotine salts).

In a scenario where a smoker of 40 cigarettes per day cuts back to 30, 20, 20 and then zero, it is possible to achieve this by a gradual switch to vaping as an alternative. In fact, this is a way in which many ex-smokers decided to quit the habit of smoking.

It has to be said though that you will not receive the full benefits from quitting smoking through vaping until you completely stop smoking cigarettes.

What are some statistics to back up that vaping can help quit smoking?

According to the English Government’s Health Matters report (published in 2019), there are 2.5m vapers in the UK comprising:

  • 600,000+ vapers who also smoke but have no intention of quitting
  • 600,000+ vapers who vape as a means of quitting smoking
  • 2M+ who now vape and have already given up smoking

In addition, 750,000+ people used vaping as a means to quit smoking and have since given up both vaping and smoking.

So, the statistics very much back up the fact that vaping is an effective means of quitting smoking.

Ecig Starter Kit

e-cigarette starter kits such as this one on sale at Next Day Vapes are perfect to start vaping.

Where can I buy products to vape?

Vaping products such as e-liquids and accessories needed like kits, mods and tanks are available in the high street as well as online from retailers such as Next Day Vapes.

Be careful to source from ethical, high-quality vaping vendors selling original products with top-quality non-harmful ingredients.

Contacting Next Day Vapes

The Next Day Vapes range of products has helped many smokers to “kick the habit” through vaping. If you need advice on some good starter vaping products to help quit smoking, why not complete our contact form? We will get back in touch shortly after we hear from you.

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